About Us

Mrs. Amy Mercadante established Affectionate Pet Care in June 1998. Amy successfully grew the business by dedicating all of her time to providing Pet Sitting and Dog Walking services to local clients. Because of her excellent reputation Amy’s services were sought after and word of mouth spread quickly growing the business more and more each year. The business has since expanded into an acquired commercial property in Fairfax Station in 2002, when “Affectionate Pet Care Center” was opened adding services such as dog day care, cage-free boarding, dog training and grooming. Amy’s goal was to expand creating customized services for each individual pet’s needs.
Affectionate Pet Care Center started out in the cozy two thousand square foot facility in 2002, later built an addition on to the back of the building and expanded into the second building on the property in 2006. The success of the business allowed for an even greater expansion in 2012 into a new facility with over twelve thousand square feet of indoor space and sixteen thousand square feet of outdoor space. This expansion was to provide more space, more selective playrooms to accommodate different play styles, temperaments, ages, and sizes, with a wider outdoor yard selection. This City of Fairfax property was developed with your dog in mind, our goal is always to provide the highest level of comfort and care for your best friend. Affectionate Pet Care will continue to improve as a business and leader in the innovative open concept of dog care. The CEO works around the clock with her 80+ staff to improve and perfect all systems to provide top-notch pet care.

All of our pet care professionals are experienced animal lovers who create an atmosphere of affectionate pet care to pets of all types. We are all known to spoil our pets and treat them as if they were our children. We value personal relationships with our clients and their own furry children, and you will soon find us to be friendly and reliable. We are well known in our area and can provide sound references from individual pet owners and several area veterinarians. Every staff member is educated in pet first aid and CPR so that we are fully prepared and capable in the event of an emergency. We are also licensed, bonded, and insured members of Pet Sitters International. We are also members of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. We are constantly updating our knowledge and educating our staff on all aspects of pet care including dog training, behavior, health, medications, nutrition, tools and equipment. Our goal is to be completely prepared to carry out outstanding care for that moment when you and your pet need us to temporarily take over the role as a pet parent.

Amy’s unconditional love for all animals naturally inspired her to build her life around them. She started her vocation by assisting in the breeding of Golden Retrievers in her home. She then studied canine reproduction and breeding for healthy dogs, gained hands-on experience, and found fulfillment in placing healthy puppies into happy homes. With the goal of gaining more exposure to animals Amy took employment at the University Veterinary Clinic in 1998 and also started in-home pet sitting. She worked as a veterinarian assistant at the veterinarian hospital for three years and also trained to groom animals. Through the Clinic’s work with area rescue groups, Amy was able to play a more active role in her compassion for stray cats and dogs. She began fostering dogs and helping them find permanent homes and continues to actively support local rescue groups and to sponsor homeless animals. Proceeds from APC are regularly donated to area pet rescue organizations, and there is always a Foster dog on site. Amy has studied animal nutrition, behavior, and dog training, and attends educational seminars on dog behavior and training. She has been certified through AKC to be an approved Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. She is also experience in the care and exercising of horses, and enjoys riding horses. Affectionate Pet Care was started with the activity Amy finds most pleasurable; working to make animals happy. Amy resides in Fairfax City with her husband Giuseppe, and three dogs Cody, Sunny, and Luciano (Canine Good Citizens).
Feel free to contact Amy anytime at:
Pet Sitters

Ariel joined our Pet Sitting team in April of 2017. She has been working professionally with pets Since 2014. Her first job was at a pet store, where her responsibilities included taking care of the animals and educating customers of their needs. Ariel lives in Chantilly and the majority of her visits are in the Fairfax area. Her pets at home include: Gordo, a Miniature Dachshund, Theo, a cat, Otis a turtle, Luna, Dave, Peri, Juniper, Cassia, Stanley, Thomas, and Teddy, (her pet rats)!

Mary covers all of the pets in Annandale. She enjoys giving each one lots of TLC. Her compassion for animals sparked an interest in this field and she is planning to eventually branch out and start her own business, “Mary’s Critter Care”. She lives in Annandale with her husband and four cats.

Kerry has been a dedicated Dog Walker/Pet Sitter for us since 2003. She gives excellent care to all pets. She says that Pet Sitting is “like therapy” for her and has thoroughly enjoyed it since leaving her job at the federal government. She has years of experience and is one to please even the most particular customers. Kerry lives in Burke with her husband and kids, two adopted dogs, and rescued cat.started working for APC in 2003 as a dog walker/pet sitter. She gives excellent care to all pets. She now works full-time for the government so she is currently sitting only for cats. The cat sitting is like therapy for her as a break from her desk job. She enjoys it so much that she spends all of her free time Pet Sitting! Kerry lives in Burke with her two sons, a foster dog, and rescued cat.

Cristin joined APC in July of 2016. She has been a local caregiver for several years. She worked as a nanny for a family for 4 years and has done private Pet Sitting for families as well. She can provide many references from these families. She has also worked at a daycare working primarily with infants and toddlers. Since she was 15, she has done Pet Sitting and Dog Walking in her own neighborhood. She has also done volunteer work with Four Paws and The Lost Dog and Cat Foundation. She absolutely loves animals, and has dreams of opening an animal sanctuary. Her main focus is helping animals in any way she can! She has a dog, cat, and rabbit of her own and if she had the space, she would adopt a lot more!

Sheryl enjoys her small mid-day dog walking route in Fairfax Station. She likes to spend enough time for the dogs to get completely exercised and has extra time in case they need a little longer walk. She also takes dogs to her home to spend the night if needed. She takes in only one dog at a time and gives the dogs all the love and care they need while their owners are away. Sheryl lives in Occoquan with her husband and three teenage boys.

Susan met Amy while they were both out walking dogs in the Burke area. She had been wanting to join our team and had not made contact. Amy saw how well she took care of the dog she was walking & her own dog, and invited her to join the APC walking team. Susan came highly recommended from all the neighbors in the area. She is a supporter and volunteer with HART, Homeless Animals Rescue Team, and also came highly recommended from them. She had been with APC since 2009, and takes extra special care of all the pets she deals with. Susan lives in Burke with her husband, kids and her Welsh Terrier.

Julie joined our team in June 2017 to help her mom, Susan cover the Burke area dog walks. She decided to join us after watching her mom enjoy her job with APC by walking, and pet sitting companion animals for a long time and decided she would like to help animals as a career while in college. She has been taking care of families, friends and neighbors pets for most of her life. She feels passionate about animals because she connects with them and their gentle nature. She hopes to provide loving care to each pet. She hopes to provide friendly correspondence and positive, detailed feedback to each client. Julie has a 3 year old Wire Fox Terrier named Meg. She is sweet and enjoys being by the water. She has a Russian Tortoise named Mr. T who is animated and enjoys organic lettuce.

Meredith, a lifetime pet owner and lover of animals, joined APC in February 2007. Her favorite childhood memories include Irish Setters, Old English Sheepdogs, Snoodles, tabby cats, guinea pigs and her German Shepard delivering several litters of puppies. Through her own children she has added to her experiences dwarf hamsters, turtles, anoles, bearded dragons, a variety of fish, frogs, toads, and a black snake. She has cared for a number of other animals as well as a dog with diabetes and one with epilepsy. Her mid-day walking route is in Fairfax, and the lucky dogs on her route are all happy to go for longs walks with their tails wagging. Meredith is known to spend extra time with the pets in her care and to go above and beyond the call of duty to care for her clients. She resides in Fairfax with her husband and their 3 teenage daughters and their 2 labs.
“I just wanted to let you know once again that Meredith does an outstanding job. She always leaves me a very detailed note, and she goes above and beyond what is expected. She even vacuums!”

As a member of the APC center team Mike wanted to further the care and comfort he provided to in home services.
He has been a professional care giver for a little over 3 years. Animals have been a large part of his life since he was very young, growing up with a variety of different animals the love he had for them translated into a life-long passion. He hopes to provide the same level of care and comfort for each animal that they would receive from their family.
Mike currently has 3 dogs, an 11 year old miniature schnauzer named Sophie, a 4 year old small mixed breed named Bandit, and a 4 year old Yorkiepoo names Buck who was a former client of APC that he adopted.

Debbie and Jim are a husband and wife team who work together in taking care of pets in the area. They retired from the federal government in 2007, and now are able to do something they both enjoy so much; spending time with animals. They have rescued many cats and owned several breeds of dogs from Great Danes to Poodles. They currently have three Standard Poodles, all of which have gone through training camp. Debbie and Jim also have owned horses. They live in Manassas.

Jennifer joined our team in March 2010. She is patient and is happy to help with dogs that may be shy, or anxious, or pull on leash. She has a huge love of animals, and adopted a female Chocolate Lab from Lab Rescue. She is an active volunteer for Lab Rescue and handles dogs at adoption events for the group. She understands the special needs or rescues pets and takes very good care of them. Jennifer has a dog walking route around the Fairfax area and is available for overnight pet sitting.
“I wanted to submit a written “thumbs up” and recommendation on your dog walker, Jennifer Tiller. Jennifer has been walking my two dogs on a fairly regular basis for about six months and I am very grateful…”

Ingrid joined our team in 2011, after being a stay-at-home mom of 3 who loves pets! She has a 14 year young Dalmation/Husky mix, a rabbit, chinchilla, 2 birds, a rat and 2 cats. They are all rescues and her and her family love them all. She loves in Clifton, and visits the Fairfax, Burke and nearby areas. She is also a substitute for Fairfax County Public School’s ACE program in the ESOL department. She can take on Pet Sitting assignments during holidays, evenings and weekends.

Sylvia joined our team in June 2010 after leaving her office job to do something more enjoyable. She has had pets of her own for many years and understands how important pets are to ones family. She regularly takes care of elderly and special needs pets in the Fairfax area, administering medications, paying careful attention to their needs, and providing much TLC. Sylvia lives in Fairfax with her husband, kids, and her dog.

Jennie has been our full-time dedicated Bather since 2013. She ensures all dogs get fully bathed with the proper shampoo, nails clipped as short as possible, ears cleaned out, and fully blow dried and brushed out. She makes sure that their experience here at APC Center is a fun one by taking them out to “potty” and play a before bath-time, and the gives them a lot of love during the process. Jennie comes from a background of working at an Animal Hospital as a Veterinary Technician, so she has the experience to recognize a medical issue and is fully trained in proper practices for what she does and can provide first aid as needed. She also does Pet Sitting and Dog Walking and her clients adore her. Jennie is a college student and has her own Chihuahua, Leo, and two mixes Ice and Chance.

Jennette is an enthusiastic long-term member of our team! She joined us in 2006. She is always willing and able to do what it takes to provide the best care possible. Jennette is our doggy “bus driver”; she transports many dogs to the center on her way to work early in the morning, always with a smile on her face! Jennette is very detail oriented and constantly recognizes when a dog has a health issue, and promptly reports it to management effectively. We have had several clients write letters about her outstanding care and concern for their pet. She not only supervises our playgroups, but also fulfills many other duties in running the pet care center. Jennette pet sits and helps promote our services. She is also very organized and artistic.

Amy joined our team in early 2016. She was a stay at home mom and now enjoys being able to walk dogs while her kids are in school. She has always loved animals. As a child she wanted to invite all the neighborhood dogs to her birthday party, not any kids! “Pets provide people unconditional love”, and she feels that is why she loves them so much. She hopes to provide the clients with the peace of mind that their pet is being well cared for. She hopes to provide the pets with a great walk and lots of TLC. In addition to her furry animals she has 3 children. When she is not walking dogs her hobbies include chauffeuring them around to activities. In addition to that she enjoys volunteering, working with animals, reading and shopping! She also has two dogs. Winnie, an eight-year-old Beagle/Chihuahua mix. Winnie is picky about her furry and human friends, but she loves her anyway! Winnie is her shadow and usually glued to her side. Rudy, is a six-year-old Beagle. Rudy is a typical Beagle. He loves to howl and dig up her yard, but he is also super affectionate and friendly! Their ages are a good guess since they were adopted through rescue groups.
Amy in the picture is with her dog walking client, Jack.

Andrea decided to become a Pet Sitter after being heavily involved with shelter animals. This qualified her for her job as a Pet Sitter because she felt more comfortable as she learned and trained with all types of dogs and different backgrounds. She has loved animals since she was very young, and being a dog owner for over 6 years she can understand how important they are for a family. After all, they are part of it.
She began with APC in early 2016, and has been volunteering at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter since 2015. She has had several pets throughout her life, including rabbits, turtles, hamsters, cats and dogs. “An animal is a wonderful companion that special someone who does understand in their own way when we feel pain, are sad, happy, angry. I truly feel that they can save us in many ways. I could not live without my animals, they have given me unconditional love and have helped me through difficult times in my life as well. Like the saying goes: “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains awakened” Anatole France. My main goal is to provide each doggie and cat client the time, affection, love and care they need just like they would from their family.”
She really enjoys the outdoors and hiking with her dog. She also goes hiking with friends from the shelter. She has joined a closed group called Resq crew. They go to many trail walks together and go as a pack, which is fun and the dogs enjoy it very much.
Andrea has two pets of her own, Minky, a 6 year old White Boxer, and Suzie, a Calico White cat who is only 9 months. Minky is a sweet girl, she loves cuddling, she enjoys being petted and wants the constant attention of her kids and her (she is a Boxer). She is an energetic girl and enjoys long walks. Suzie is a sweet girl too. She likes to show her belly but does not like it when you rub it. She comes to her each morning for pets. Loves to play with Minky and can be a bully to her. She does what a cat does, hangs out. “The cutest part of the day is when they wait for me to have breakfast and when I come home and they are both at the garage door ready to say “Hello Mom”.”

Kris has always loved working with people and has a love of animals since she was a very little girl from having pets from birds, cats, dogs and bunnies. Pet Sitting is a fun and rewarding for her. She has been doing companion animal care field for about 10 years. Kris met Amy, the owner of APC, many years ago when she hired her as her Pet Sitter for her cat, Elwood. Kris says, “Pets for me bring a satisfaction and bring a lot of joy for me. For each of my clients/pets I treat the sit as if I was coming into my own home and taking care of my own animals.”
When Kris is not Pet Sitting she enjoys spending time with her husband and two “spoiled” kitties Kade and Midas who are her kids, and working in her garden.
“Kade is a 10 year old DSH Tabby girl, very sweet personality and loves eggs and yogurt although mommy and daddy do not let her have any, she is working on her figure now for swin suit season. Midas who is a 10 year old DSH Orange tabby with a sweet personality also but likes to do things his way and pick on his sister Kade. Midas is also working on his figure for swim suite season.”

Quincey joined our team in March 2017 and picked up everything very quickly. It was clear was great with animals. He has been in the companion care field for 6 years. He began as a dog walker at the local humane society in Vermont (Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society), and then later became a dog trainer for the shelter. He was also the resident dog walker/pet sitter in his small town in Vermont, accumulating dozens of clients.
Quincey hopes that each client is pleased with his level of care and experience, and feel care-free when they go away knowing that their pet is in his hands. He is a “political junkie so I enjoy watching CNN with my dog (all of my pets are democrats). I also love being active, hiking, swimming, rafting, or exploring different historic towns.” He is currently majoring in Government & International Politics and Public Administration at George Mason University.

Francesca joined the APC Pet Sitting team in July 2017. She has always had a passion for animals and grew up and has been around a variety of animals. She has worked in the animal field for three years. She loves animal’s energies and their outgoing personalities. She loves working with a variety of pets and getting to know each one and learning more about them- “it’s like making a new friend with four paws!” She hopes to ensure that every pet is left healthy and happy so their owner doesn’t have to worry and they can know that their pet is being cared for when they are gone. Other than working with animals, Frankie has a strong interest in Theatre. She loves the unpredictability, the community it builds, and the fact that Theatre stimulates both my body and mind.
She has two dogs both 6 years old. One is a Beagle-Dalmatian mix, and the other is a Beagle-Doberman mix. They are both extremely energetic and loving. While ones loves people, the other one is more shy but turns into a huge lover once he gets to know you! They never seem to run out of energy and are always up for tummy rubs whenever you have a free hand!
Richmond Pet Sitters


Stephanie has been grooming for APCC since 2003. She has been grooming professionally since 1996. Stephanie is always gentle and patient with the dogs in her care. Her first priority is comfort and safety. She is very thorough and makes sure the dogs are 100% complete before giving them back to their owners. She also knows how to make your dog look and feel great after their spa treatment with her. She is skilled in detailed haircuts, and can fulfill any request for a specific hairstyle. Stephanie actively supports rescue dogs, especially the breeds with a bad reputation. She believes that all dogs deserve the right to be given a chance. She volunteers her time to pit-bull rescue and voices her concern for their reputation. She is also a vegetarian and animal rights activist. Stephanie lives in Burke with her husband, Dave who owns Yard Enhancement Services, and their rescue dog, Stoney (a Pit mix) and the occasional foster dog.
“I just wanted to drop you a note and say how happy we are with the grooming our dog received at your facility last Saturday. Stephanie was the groomer and did a wonderful job on Scamper. We will definitely be back again. We particularly like his tail. 🙂
With regards,
Ron and Susan

Stacey joined our team in the fall of 2007. Prior to that she worked as a professional groomer for three years in a Holistic Pet Wellness Center in little Fredonia, NY (her home town). Not only did she groom there, but she was also a consultant for pet owners on natural ways to cure fleas, worms, seizures and all other medical problems. She can groom any size of dog, giant breeds to ones that fit in your purse. There isn’t a breed of dog that scares her, in fact she is also a lover of pit bulls. She has also have been volunteering at Northern Chautauqua Canine Rescue for 8 years now. There she grooms dogs, updates adoption information, greets possible adopters, helps socialize and temperament test, and pairs the animals. She even groomed cats. Stacey has a positive attitude and loves the company of all animals. She has a great talent in styling pet’s hair and making them look beautiful. When Stacey is not grooming and caring for pets she is pursuing her love of music. She lives with her husband, and dogs, Bella and Link.

Shannon is a Certified Master Groomer through The New York School of Dog Grooming. She has over 20 years of experience in the grooming and pet care industry. Shannon is professional and gentle with all the dogs she grooms. She has been friends with Stephanie the head groomer since 1997 and Priya since 2000. She is skilled at corrective and detailed haircuts. Before she receives her clients, she assures all her pet parents that their dogs will be pampered and groomed to their specifications. Shannon is passionate about all kinds of animals. Her family has a Farm in Broad Run and loves the outdoors and enjoys wildlife. She lives with her husband Geoff and daughter Katie. She has a golden retriever Daisy, a cat named Barney and two green Iguanas.
Joined APC August 2016.

Priya started grooming in high school. She started grooming school right afterwards in 2001. She found what she loved to do early on, and has been doing it now since 1998. Priya, just like Morgan was in the same high school class as Amy, the owner of APC. All of these animal lovers are happy to work together now to take the best care possible of the dogs they encounter. She joined APC in May of 2015. Priya has two dogs of her own. Casey is a Cockapoo and Chip a Shihpoo. She loves grooming and playing with dogs here at APC.

Morgan joined the APC team in 2012. Her and Amy went to High School together and are part of the 1998 WT Woodson High School Alumni. Morgan started Grooming in 2006. She spent her first 5 1/2 years at Petco. Where she had her training through the Mentor program. She is also Certified in Pet First Aid and CPR. Her favorite dogs to groom are Shih Tzus. She loves being a groomer and feels like she learn something new everyday. Her Mini-Dachshund, Gracie accompanies her to work and rests on her toolbox with a padded dog bed on top 🙂
” I just want to thank all of you, and especially Morgan, for doing such a magnificent job on the bathing and grooming of my two beloved Shelties, Angus and Rowena. I’ve been showing them off to everyone — I insist that everyone who gives them even the slightest glance reach down and run their hands through their luxurious Sheltie coats. All those folks who touch them discover a far more joyous existence”

Jennie has been our full-time dedicated Bather since 2013. She ensures all dogs get fully bathed with the proper shampoo, nails clipped as short as possible, ears cleaned out, and fully blow dried and brushed out. She makes sure that their experience here at APC Center is a fun one by taking them out to “potty” and play a before bath-time, and the gives them a lot of love during the process. Jennie comes from a background of working at an Animal Hospital as a Veterinary Technician, so she has the experience to recognize a medical issue and is fully trained in proper practices for what she does and can provide first aid as needed. She also does Pet Sitting and Dog Walking and her clients adore her. Jennie is a college student and has her own Chihuahua, Leo, and two mixes Ice and Chance.
APC Center Staff
Management Team
The APC Management team brings many years of experience in the pet industry including Veterinary care, Dog Training, Behavior, Rescue and general Pet Care. All qualified managers are dedicated to their job as a long-term career and work together to ensure that pet’s safety and comfort is at the forefront of daily operations.

Tina takes care of the overall HR and Payroll for the company. She is also the morning General Manager on Duty. She is originally from Denmark in Europe but has lived in the US since 1996. She is owned by an 11 year old Alaskan Malamute and a 13 year old Persian cat who runs her household. Tina joined our Management team in 2015, bringing 10 years of experience with dogs and cats in both the K9 rescue field and working as a Veterinary Practice Manager for 6 years maintaining a 4 doctor practice. She holds a BA in Business Administration. She is here to share her passion for animals and her experience to bring the team together effectively to run the business smoothly and uphold the company’s goal of providing a safe and fun place for dogs and always looking out for their best interest.
Feel free to contact Tina at:

Jessie manages our large Pet Sitting team (about 40 Sitters), maintains all billing, commissions payroll, organizes PR events and company gatherings, handles apparel, and works with the management team to ensure all staff are properly trained and following company procedure. No matter what her focus she is always willing to do whatever it takes to ensure APC is running smoothly. Jessie started at our front desk many years prior while still working at Amy’s Veterinarian’s office, they kept in touch and she joined us full-time after managing Northern Virginia Veterinary Associates for 10 years. Jessie brings years of experience in the animal field and professionalism and a bright personality to our management team. Jessie speaks fluent Spanish.
Contact her at

Jess has been a dedicated APC employee since May of 2011. She came to us from another Dog Daycare facility and wanted to continue her passion, working with dogs as she continued her college education, earning her Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. She worked in the playrooms for many years and was always proactive in keeping the play safe and taking the best care of all of our dogs. She has worked at the front desk and has done about every job within the facility. She knows the ins and outs of all our procedures and is very familiar with our regular, long time dogs. She now Manages the morning shifts, and fills in for other managers as needed. She is always willing to help out and do whatever it takes to take the best care possible of all of our dogs. She adopted Rudder, a Rottie mix, who very much enjoys attending Playgroup at APCC! They are pictured here together having fun in one of the play yards!
Contact her at

Claudia joined Affectionate Pet Care January 2016. She grew up in Bolivia where the stray dog population is very high, which started her interest caring for animals at a very young age. She found a true passion working with dogs while living in Hawaii and working for another dog daycare there. While in Hawaii she also worked with some farm animals like miniature horses and goats. Since then she has learned a lot about how to care for dogs and their needs. She understands dog behavior and body language very well, as well as off-leash dog play. She recently got certified through the Pet Saver First Aid and CPR program. She has been promoted to staff supervisor because of her hard work and dedication to the job and the dogs. She constantly comes to work with a positive attitude and always puts the dogs as her first priority. She lives in Fairfax with her 2 year old American Pit Bull Terrier named Baymax who is very well behaved and is currently getting his Canine Good Citizen certification.

Emma joined our Front Desk team in July of 2017. She brings 14 years of customer service/management experience and years of experience with animals including working as a Playgroup Attendant at another dog daycare center, and managing a small business for several years. She has proven to be a reliable and dedicated force at our front desk. Several customers have praised her personable skills and we are happy to have such a friendly and positive presence at our front end. Emma’s passion for animals brought her to make a career out of working with them. She has grown up with dogs including Alaskan Malamutes to Beagles. They have always been her companions.
Contact her at

Greg has been a dedicated APC employee since January 2008. For many years he worked in the big dog room taking great care of all the dogs and developing personal relationships with all of them. When he first got in the room for his shift, he would get on the floor with them and play with them as hey play with each other. He has a special way with dogs and a true talent for understanding their behavior and keeping a calm and content group of dogs. As he moved up to management he has conveyed this talent to all new staff teaching them how to best manage the playgroups. He enjoys keeping all the dogs happy and healthy by ensuring they receive proper care at all times. He manages the PM shift six days a week. Greg has two rescue dogs one of which was left with APC and he took to her and took great care of her. She is a Husky/Shepherd mix and another mix breed he rescued in his neighborhood. He is pictured below with Nikki, a regular Daycare favorite 🙂
Contact him at

Joe currently commutes from Richmond where he attends school at VCU to help out and fill-in the days Greg is off. Joe is studying Engineering, but enjoys working with dogs along the way. He joined APC in May of 2009, after being referred by Stacey our groomer (they were band members). He enjoyed working in the playrooms for many years and in 2011 he was promoted to Staff Supervisor for stellar reputation for hard work and attention to detail. Joe is well versed in all that APC encompasses being a long-time member. He is highly approachable and is here to maintain the safety and fluidity of APC as Manager on Duty when Greg is off. He is married to Ashley, another long-time member of APC who used to be the only General Manager back in 2009. They both attend VCU. Joe adopted Lucky through APC’s foster program with local rescues, and Pig a Mini-dachshund. He is pictured with Sammy a long-time APC regular.
Contact him at
Corey joined APC in 2012 after working for several years at an Animal Clinic/Boarding and Daycare facility has also been promoted to Staff Supervisor. He has about 9 years of direct work experience with dogs and will be assisting with new hires, and the entire team to pull together and help us all succeed in maintaining safety and control of our playgroups. He has a deep passion and love for the dogs and is here to ensure proper care and procedure are continually followed. Corey has an Australian Shepherd pup, Max.

Mike joined us in early 2014 brings 8 years of management experience from various retail shops. He has also done some volunteer work with the ASPCA and has some Vet tech experience as well. Mike has shown commitment to hard work in his time here at APC and is dedicated to bringing a positive team environment and keeping everything running smoothly along with maintaining professionalism. Mike has 3 dogs, an 11-year-old Miniature Schnauzer named Sophie, a 4-year-old small mixed breed named Bandit, and 4 year old Yorkie-poo named Buck who was a former client of APC that he adopted.

Adrienne has been working with dogs for over four years, although she has been a lifelong lover of all animals big and small. She gave up the 9 to 5 grind to peruse her dream of spending her days with her furry friends and has never looked back.
She owns two dogs of her own. One a rescue hound from West Virginia and the other, her childhood dog of 16 years. Along with them, she owns several pet rats whom she adores.
Adrienne has been working at APC for almost two years and loves the idea of cage-free boarding. Nothing makes her more fulfilled then to see a happy dog going home after a fun day at daycare!

Stacey joined our team in the fall of 2007. Prior to that she worked as a professional groomer for three years in a Holistic Pet Wellness Center in little Fredonia, NY (her home town). Not only did she groom there, but she was also a consultant for pet owners on natural ways to cure fleas, worms, seizures and all other medical problems. She can groom any size of dog, giant breeds to ones that fit in your purse. There isn’t a breed of dog that scares her, in fact she is also a lover of pit bulls. She has also have been volunteering at Northern Chautauqua Canine Rescue for 8 years now. There she grooms dogs, updates adoption information, greets possible adopters, helps socialize and temperament test, and pairs the animals. She even groomed cats. Stacey has a positive attitude and loves the company of all animals. She has a great talent in styling pet’s hair and making them look beautiful. When Stacey is not grooming and caring for pets she is pursuing her love of music. She lives with her husband, and dogs, Bella and Link.

Mary has loved working with animals since childhood, and has been dedicated to training dogs since 2007. She has a strong background in animal behavior. Before joining APC in 2015 as a Front Desk Attendant and associate trainer, she worked for five years at another dog training facility where she taught obedience and puppy socialization classes. Her several years as an animal control officer in Washington, DC has given her insight into sheltering and the effect education has on a community. She has attended numerous dog and animal behavior seminars by the most respected behaviorists in the industry. She continues to stay updated on all the latest advances in dog training and behavior and has had the opportunity to teach our staff more about dog body language and playgroup management by conducting regular teaching seminars at our center. She uses motivational Progressive Positive training techniques and which we have found to be highly effective. She is currently working towards becoming a CBATI, or Certified BAT instructor. Mary shares her home with Memphis, a 7 year old Belgian Malinois & Border collie mix, Prix, a spunky grey tabby, multiple aquariums, and her loving husband.
Contact her at

Originally from Fairfax, Jessi joined us in October of 2016. Prior to working at APC Jessi received a degree in automotive engineering. She spent two years in that industry while volunteering with an animal rescue. That gained experience made Jessi find her passion and love for animals.
She is owned by a Chihuahua X (Cujo), B.C/Shepherd mix (August), 5 cats, 1 guinea pig and a snake. Jessi says animals have always brought her purpose and has taught her to love unconditionally. With Jessi- happy tails and safety always comes first.

Roy joined the Affectionate Pet Care team in July 2017 as a room attendant. His favorite part of the job is simply loving all the dogs, and it’s clear that he really treats them as if they were his own! He brings several years of experience in a team-oriented environment as well as team management skills. He was born and raised in nearby Burke, having graduated from Lake Braddock Secondary and also earning a degree in Business Administration from Northern Virginia Community College. In his spare time, he would occasionally pet sit for multiple neighborhood dogs – holding his own mini-daycare in his backyard! Roy has had multiple pets throughout his life and currently owns a 5 year old Husky named Astro, whom he raised since he was a 6 week old pup. As a frequent daycare participant, his dog Astro loves to be the first to happily greet other dogs on their way into the playrooms here at APC! Roy has also recently completed a Pet Savor First Aid and CPR program as well as a Dog Behavior Seminar. His combined experience and hard working ethic (as well as his unending upbeat attitude) has resulted in a significant commitment to safety and dedication to dogs, clients, and staff alike here at Affectionate Pet Care.

Charlotte joined our team in June 2012 as a Playgroup Attendant. Her family has been APC clients for many years. Amy was their Pet Sitter for their Standard Poodle prior to opening our Center. During High School Charlotte completed FCPS Academy of Animal Science Program where she studied animal behavior, care, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, disease control, pharmacology, medication administration, grooming, first aid, genetics, breeding, and business management. Charlotte has earned her BA in Biology at a Liberal Arts College, while working at APC, and is now full-time dedicated to her Supervisor role. Charlotte has had a strong admiration for dogs her whole life, as the primary care-taker of her family dogs, and neighborhood Pet Sitter. She has a gentle nature that dogs can relate to and are comfortable with. She has created special bonds with many of our dogs over years. She is happy to be pursing her career with animals she has always wanted. Her Labradoodle, Pearl continues to enjoy her time at APC as well.

Liz joined our team as Playgroup Attendant in November of 2014. Because of her hard work and dedication and care and concern for our dogs she was able to move into a Playroom Lead, and Shift Leader and now Staff Supervisor. She does mostly Floating and taking care of things from outside of the Playrooms, but also appears in the playrooms to ensure Playgroup Attendants are fully trained and to help with the dogs from time to time. Liz has always been a complete animal lover her whole life. She used to take care of her friend’s and neighbor’s pets and rescue strays. He is owned by her sweet dog Luna pictured here with her.

Amy (the owner of APC) was happy top have her cousin Brian join our team in January of 2015. He has since been an asset as the primary senior caretaker in the large dog playrooms. He has a special bond with the dogs and has the caring, positive, calm personality we look for in our staff. This is why we choose him for the role of Playroom lead last year and Staff Supervisor role he will take on now. Brian lives in Montclair with his family and their Yorkie, Pixie.

Sam has been helping us out at the center with running dogs up to clients at pick up since May of 2017. He was recently promoted to Facility Maintenance Supervisor. With his background and degree in engineering he has what it takes to diagnose and fix issues with our machinery and facility. He hopes to move into a more full-time position with us in the near future so that he can also take on more responsibility. He will be helping uphold the policies and procedure here at APC Center along with his fellow supervisors and managers. Sam joined our team in April of 2012 as a Dog Walker/Pet Sitter. He took care of some of our special long-time clients for many years and provided excellent care. He came from a background of Dog Training. He then earned his certification as a professional dog trainer and had his own training business. He has worked with working dogs and has also managed another pet care business. We look forward to him putting his expertise to use at our facility. Sam lives in Springfield with his dog Nimbus, a Border Collie mix. He is pictured here with his two long time Dog Walking clients: Comet and Sinatra.

Gloria began working as a night staff member for APCC in 2003, and has been a hard working dedicated pet care provider ever since. She spends most every night with the dogs. Gloria puts the well being of any dog before anything else in life. She is a true animal lover to say the least. Every night she screens all dogs for possible health issues, gives love, attention, and often massages to those dogs in need. She encourages rest and shares her cot with several dogs. She puts the comfort of the dogs first, so if someone gets cozy in her spot she will give up that spot for the dog. There is no one better to spend the night with your dog other than Gloria when you cannot be there. Gloria actively supports rescue groups like The Whitney Foundation by taking in fosters, opening her heart and home to homeless dogs and cats, and anything she can do to contribute to the ever-growing population of abandoned and abused animals. She lives in Fairfax with her four cats and two dogs Lucky and Miss Muffett who she spends all day catering to their needs.

Carrie joined our Front Desk team in March of 2016. She brings 26 years of past Front End Management experience from various jobs including managing a Veterinary Practice. She has been an asset to our front desk team providing outstanding customer service and consistently shows her deep care and concern for our dogs. Carrie lives with her husband in Woodbridge with her 2 cats. Nemo (5y old) Silver Tabby and Dory (4y old) Dilute Calico
Contact her at

Mary Crawford – Trainer and Training Department Manager
Mary has loved working with animals since childhood, and has been dedicated to training dogs since 2007. She has a strong background in animal behavior. Before joining APC in 2015 as a Front Desk Attendant and associate trainer, she worked for five years at another dog training facility where she taught obedience and puppy socialization classes. Her several years as an animal control officer in Washington, DC has given her insight into sheltering and the effect education has on a community. She has attended numerous dog and animal behavior seminars by the most respected behaviorists in the industry. She continues to stay updated on all the latest advances in dog training and behavior and has had the opportunity to teach our staff more about dog body language and playgroup management by conducting regular teaching seminars at our center. She uses motivational Progressive Positive training techniques and which we have found to be highly effective. She is currently working towards becoming a CBATI, or Certified BAT instructor. Mary shares her home with Memphis, a 7 year old Belgian Malinois & Border collie mix, Prix, a spunky grey tabby, multiple aquariums, and her loving husband.
Contact her at
Front Desk

Carrie and tiago
Mary and chloe

megan and teddy
Front Desk


Carrie and tiago

Mary and chloe

megan and teddy



Featured Playgroup Attendants

Patrick and boomer
liz and luna
roberto and diesel

Featured Playgroup Attendants

Patrick and boomer

liz and luna

roberto and diesel






Gina, is our “Pawtographer”! She started working for APC in 2012 as a Playgroup Attendant. After a few years of care taking and taking photos of the dogs, she decided to combine her love for dogs with her love for art and photography and proposed “Pawtography days” here at APC! She has a big heart and adores each one of our dogs here at APCC. This love translates as you see them smiling at the camera for Gina in her shots posted on the APC Facebook daily.
Sign up for your dog’s photo to be taken by Gina on our Pawtography days on Wednesdays and Fridays when your drop off your dogs for Daycare or Boarding. There is no charge to have your dog’s photo featured on our Facebook page!
Gina also hosts holiday photo shoots with Santa, the Easter Bunny, and more! Look out for the sign-up sheets in our front office before holidays.
Daycare and Boarding Hours
Mon-Sat - 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
*Dogs must be dropped off by 4pm*
Daycare and Boarding Hours
Mon-Sat - 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
*Dogs must be dropped off by 4pm*